Package-level declarations


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Send reports through an email intent.

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class HttpSender @JvmOverloads constructor(config: CoreConfiguration, method: HttpSender.Method?, type: StringFormat?, formUri: String? = null) : ReportSender

Create a new HttpSender instance with its destination taken from the supplied config.

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Constructs a HttpSender with no report field mappings.

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Job service sending reports. has to run in the :acra process

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Plain service sending reports. has to run in the :acra process. Only used when no JobScheduler is available.

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interface ReportSender

A simple interface for defining various crash report senders.

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This exception is thrown when an error occurred while sending crash data in a ReportSender implementation.

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Factory for creating and configuring a ReportSender instance. Implementations must have a no argument constructor.

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class SendingConductor(context: Context, config: CoreConfiguration)