
Specifies all the different fields available in a crash report.




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Report Identifier.

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Application version code. This is the incremental integer version code used to differentiate versions on the android market.

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Application version name.

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Application package name.

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Base path of the application's private file folder.

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Device model name.

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Device android version name.

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Android Build details.

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Device brand (manufacturer or carrier).

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Device overall product code.

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Estimation of the total device memory size based on filesystem stats.

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Estimation of the available device memory size based on filesystem stats.

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Contains key = value pairs defined by the application developer during the application build.

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Contains key = value pairs defined by the application developer during the application execution.

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The Holy Stack Trace.

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A hash of the stack trace, taking only method names into account.

Line numbers are stripped out before computing the hash. This can help you uniquely identify stack traces.

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android.content.res.Configuration fields state on the application start.

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android.content.res.Configuration fields state on the application crash.

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Device display specifications.

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Comment added by the user in the CrashReportDialog.

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User date on application start.

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User date immediately after the crash occurred.

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Memory state details for the application process.

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Content of the android.os.DropBoxManager (introduced in API level 8). Requires READ_LOGS permission.

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Logcat default extract. Requires READ_LOGS permission.

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Logcat eventslog extract. Requires READ_LOGS permission.

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Logcat radio extract. Requires READ_LOGS permission.

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True if the report has been explicitly sent silently by the developer.

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Device unique ID (IMEI). Requires READ_PHONE_STATE permission.

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Installation unique ID. This identifier allow you to track a specific user application installation without using any personal data.

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User email address. Can be provided by the user in SharedPreferences.

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Features declared as available on this device by the system.

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External storage state and standard directories.

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System settings.

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Secure settings (applications can't modify them).

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Global settings, introduced in Android 4.2 (API level 17) to centralize settings for multiple users.

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SharedPreferences contents

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Content of your own application log file.

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Since Android API Level 16 (Android 4.1 - Jelly Beans), retrieve the list of supported Media codecs and their capabilities (color format, profile and level).

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Retrieves details of the failing thread (id, name, group name).

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Retrieves the user IP address(es).


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Returns a representation of an immutable list of all enum entries, in the order they're declared.

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Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)

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Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.