
class LimiterConfiguration(val enabled: Boolean = true, val periodUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.DAYS, val period: Long = 7, val overallLimit: Int = 25, val stacktraceLimit: Int = 3, val exceptionClassLimit: Int = 10, val failedReportLimit: Int = 5, val ignoredCrashToast: String? = null, val deleteReportsOnAppUpdate: Boolean = true, val resetLimitsOnAppUpdate: Boolean = true) : Configuration

Limiter configuration






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constructor(enabled: Boolean = true, periodUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.DAYS, period: Long = 7, overallLimit: Int = 25, stacktraceLimit: Int = 3, exceptionClassLimit: Int = 10, failedReportLimit: Int = 5, ignoredCrashToast: String? = null, deleteReportsOnAppUpdate: Boolean = true, resetLimitsOnAppUpdate: Boolean = true)


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This property can be used to determine whether old (out of date) reports should be sent or not.

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val enabled: Boolean = true

enables this plugin

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limit for reports with the same exception class per period

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limit for unsent reports to keep

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toast shown when a report was not collected or sent because a limit was exceeded

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val overallLimit: Int = 25

general limit of reports per period

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val period: Long = 7

number of periodUnits in which to limit reports

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Resetting limits after an app update allows you to see if a bug still exists.

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limit for reports with the same stacktrace per period


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open override fun enabled(): Boolean